5 Facts About Commercial Asphalt Paving

Do you ever stop and think about how much asphalt you encounter in your day-to-day life? When you consider it, it's actually somewhat astounding how much the result of commercial asphalt paving surrounds us. In the United States, the vast majority of roads and parking lots are still paved or surfaced with asphalt. In this article we're going to look at some of the facts behind asphalt and what makes it so popular. If you're a business owner, owner of commercial property, or even a government official involved in public infrastructure, these facts may provide useful insight into whether asphalt is the right choice for your needs.

Asphalt Paving Is Extremely Common and Versatile

In the United States, according to the National Asphalt Pavement Association, more than 94% of paved roads are done with asphalt. That's a staggering figure, and it doesn't stop there. Roads aside, around 85% of runways at America's commercial airports are paved with asphalt, and more than 90% of parking areas throughout the country are as well. Obviously, asphalt offers excellent value and utility, or else it wouldn't be such a common choice among businesses, builders and governments.

Those numbers really drill home the fact that asphalt is a top choice when it comes time to pave any surface. And that brings us to another point - asphalt can be used for such a wide variety of applications, especially when it comes to commercial paving. We already mentioned some of the more obvious ones like roads, parking lots and runways, but asphalt is also commonly used for things like walkways, driveways and even more obscure applications like tennis courts.

Asphalt Is Affordable

One of the reasons asphalt is so popular is surely how cost-effective it is - on top of providing long-lasting utility, asphalt is relatively affordable and certainly the more affordable option compared to other paving options. Cost is a major consideration in any commercial project - with all the factors involved and a large area to pave, the square footage and final price can add up quickly. Asphalt tends to run in the ballpark of $2 to $5 per square foot of pavement, whereas its main competitor among paving mediums - concrete - can often run as much as double that.

Asphalt Is Environmentally Friendly

Most people have no clue that asphalt is actually a very eco-friendly material. Studies have actually shown that producing and paving asphalt takes less energy than other types of pavement by as much as 20%. It's also surprisingly an extremely reusable and recyclable material - in fact, asphalt is the most recycled material in the country. Every year, companies in the asphalt industry collectively reclaim around 100 million tons of asphalt, and recycle or reuse something like 95 million tons.

Asphalt is also the most sustainable pavement - when used in long-term applications such as roads it's actually considered "perpetual pavement" because it's so easy and fast to maintain and repair. When a concrete surface deteriorates, it often has to be completely removed, thrown away and repaved. On the other hand, when it comes to asphalt, only the top layer typically needs to be replaced every so often, and basic maintenance like filling holes and cracks in the interim is cheap and easy.

Asphalt Is Durable and Easy To Repair

As we just mentioned, asphalt is relatively cheap and easy to repair. Even better, it's just plain durable to begin with. Despite being the cheaper option among paving materials, it's certainly not lacking in the quality department as a result of the affordability.

Asphalt, by nature, is a flexible material. This means that as temperatures change or other things in the environment shift, the asphalt itself can flex and shift to a degree as well rather than cracking or otherwise falling apart. This doesn't mean asphalt is immune to deterioration like cracks and holes - but when those types of things appear, simple maintenance like crack and pothole filling or sealcoating are easy, fast and affordable, and even a full repair that involves replacing the top layer is much cheaper than what it would cost to replace an area of concrete.

When laid properly by a commercial asphalt paving company and maintained with a solid, routine maintenance plan, asphalt surfaces can last several decades.

Asphalt Looks Great

Putting aside all the above facts about asphalt's durability, affordability, eco-friendliness, ease and popularity, there still lies the simple fact that asphalt - especially fresh or recently sealcoated surfaces - just look good. A properly laid and well-maintained road or parking lot has that appealing black sheen and smoothness that makes any business or road seem more appealing.

Find The Right Commercial Asphalt Paving Company

Of course, so many of these facts depend on the paving job being done right in the first place and maintained well - and that's why utilizing a professional asphalt company that knows what they're doing is so crucial. If you're looking for the right company for commercial paving in Denver, CO, look no further than High Quality Asphalt & Concrete. Get in touch today to discuss the needs of your project and receive a free estimate.


High Quality Asphalt & Concrete provides expert paving, maintenance and repair services for commercial and residential clients in the greater Denver Metro Area.

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