Spring is Here: Time For Asphalt Repair in Denver

Winter is coming to an end, and that means it's time to consider asphalt repair in Denver. The cold months are the worst for pavement deterioration due to the affect of cold-weather precipitation mixed with repeated freeze-thaw cycles. These weather conditions lead to things such as cracks and potholes, and spring is a good time to consider your annual asphalt maintenance plan and do some initial repairs in preparation for the summer months.

What to Consider When It Comes Time For Asphalt Repair in Denver

Whether you're a business or property owner managing commercial asphalt parking lots, or a homeowner with an asphalt driveway, maintenance is a crucial part of the longevity and safe use of your pavement. Depending on your situation and the size of your pavement, your ideal asphalt maintenance plan may look a little different.

Asphalt Driveway Maintenance

Due to driveways typically being much smaller overall, the maintenance plan for a driveway is a little simpler and cheaper. The major thing you should be doing at least once a year - and which is typically good to do in the Spring after Winter weather has calmed down - is repair any cracks you see in your driveway. Cracks are the first sign of deterioration which can lead to greater issues and more expensive repairs if left in disrepair. If you're seeing more serious signs of deterioration such as large crack areas, you may want to explore more involved asphalt repairs such as patching or resurfacing.

Another important part of maintaining an asphalt driveway is following a few guidelines for driveway maintenance during the Winter months to prevent deterioration in the first place.

Asphalt Parking Lot Repair

Since things like parking lots and roads typically involve much higher surface area as well as far more extensive wear from traffic, the maintenance and repairs tend to be more involved than with driveways. That said, the same basics hold true, including the recommendation to repair minor cracks at least once a year. Here are a few other tips regarding parking lot asphalt repair in Denver:

  • Seal coat every 2 to 4 years as a general rule of thumb. Aside from that, consider sealcoating anytime you're seeing widespread signs of initial deterioration such as numerous crack areas throughout your pavement.
  • Utilize infrared asphalt patching to fix specific areas that are showing problems.
  • If your whole surface is showing major signs of deterioration, it may be a good time to consider an asphalt resurfacing (also known as overlay). If it's past the point of resurfacing, you may have to consider the need for a total remove and replace job.

Read our article about the ins-and-outs of parking lot repair for more in-depth info and tips on maintaining your asphalt parking lot.

Get In Touch With The Asphalt Experts

If your asphalt is showing signs of post-Winter deterioration but you're not sure what the best solution is, don't hesitate to reach out to the pros at High Quality Asphalt and Concrete for an expert opinion and free estimate - we're just a call or email away.


High Quality Asphalt & Concrete provides expert paving, maintenance and repair services for commercial and residential clients in the greater Denver Metro Area.

Open All Winter!


6838 Lowell Blvd
Denver, CO 80221

(720) 575-3401

Open Daily (Mon-Sun):
8:00 am - 6:00 pm

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