Denver Asphalt and Concrete Services

Our Asphalt & Concrete Services in Denver, CO


We offer asphalt paving for new construction and replacement of driveways, parking lots, walkways, roads, and more.

View our asphalt services page for more information.


We provide asphalt overlaying for many applications of existing asphalt surfaces. We also do asphalt milling as well. Learn more about our asphalt overlay services.

R&R is the process of removing asphalt areas where the Base (substrate) is completely compromised. We saw cut areas to remove all damaged asphalt, remove soft base, replace with fresh base and asphalt both compacted properly. Learn more about our asphalt removal and replacement services.

Sealcoat is important to Asphalt because it helps protect the surface and keep the crude oil from escaping. Crude oil is the glue that binds asphalt together. If the surface is exposed to high temperatures over time the oil will escape and cause the asphalt to become dry and brittle. Seal coat also helps bind the asphalt surface to prevent it from becoming rough and exposing larger rocks that make up the asphalt. When asphalt is rough it collects dirt and water which can cause more deterioration to the asphalt surface. Freshly paved asphalt should not be sealed for the first 12 to 18 months so that it can cure and harden. Learn more about our asphalt sealcoating services.

Filling the cracks in Asphalt with hot rubberized crack filler is very crucial in Colorado due to severe weather changes. Once water gets into cracks and to the base (substrate) it can freeze and expand in the winter, putting pressure underneath the asphalt and especially to the base which leads to softening of the substrate causing voids. Voids can lead to sunken areas and potholes. Asphalt is only as strong as the substrate underneath it. Cracks should be filled annually due to constant expansion, shifting and shrinking of the asphalt. Learn more about our asphalt crack fill services.

Infrared patching is a very cost-effective way of saving sunken, alligator-cracked areas in asphalt. By doing infrared patching you utilize the existing asphalt without the need for full removal and replacement. We do this by heating the area to 400 degrees - the softening temperature at which the asphalt was originally laid - then we break the surface, add fresh asphalt to the top and compact using a roller. Because the asphalt was heated to its original soft state the new and old asphalt combine creating a seamless patch.
We provide all striping and marking for commercial applications. Parking lots are striped and marked to existing layout unless specified by the customer. New layouts are an extra cost. We also provide painting of curbs, ballards posts, parking blocks and more.


We provide new installation of concrete for a variety of residential and commercial needs, including curbs and gutters, sidewalks, driveway, walkway, patio, stairs, dumpster pads, loading areas, drainage pans and more.

View our concrete services page for more information.

Asphalt & Concrete Blog

We pride ourselves on the high level of expertise we bring to our Denver asphalt and concrete services. Explore our blog posts to learn some of those tips and insights for yourself.


High Quality Asphalt & Concrete provides expert paving, maintenance and repair services for commercial and residential clients in the greater Denver Metro Area.

Open All Winter!


6838 Lowell Blvd
Denver, CO 80221

(303) 999-9669

Open Daily (Mon-Sun):
8:00 am - 6:00 pm

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